• A Gratitude Spell for Abundance

    Pick an array of colors for this spell. The candles do not have to match(unless you really want them to, and that is fine), but they all should be new.Never use previously-burned candles for your magic, as they still have theenergy from their former owner, and wax—being a soft, malleable substance—is difficult to smudge clean,…

  • Green Abundance-Drawing Candle Spell

    Perform this spell on a full moon or waxing lunar phase. In addition, you maychoose to cast it on any of these sabbats: Ostara, Litha, Lammas, and Mabon.You will need: Using the straw, skewer, or chopstick, press five deep channels into the waxof the candle, going as deep as you can. Then add the glitter,…

  • Abundance Jar

    Perform this spell on a full moon.You will need: Place some of the Irish moss, glitter, basil, oregano, cinquefoil, rosemary,chamomile, coins, and quartz pieces into the jar. Add a little more Irish moss,then fill the jar with honey. Seal the jar’s lid tightly, and melt the bottom ofthe candle a little, so it can stick…

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