• Waxing Moon Charm Bag for Taking Action

    Make this bag on waxing moon. Place thebag somewhere you can see it every day.

  • Yarrow Dream Pillow

    Looking to dream of love? You will need: Mix your herbs and place them in a lavender drawstring bag. Place the bag under your pillow.

  • Energy-Raising Spell

    Ostara is a good time to feel life growing within yourself, especially if you’vebeen stuck in a rut or subdued by wintery feelings of sadness or ennui.You will need: *whatever seeds you plant, look up what, if any, additional additives theyrequire in the soil for optimum growth as seedlings. Some plants require amix of lime…

  • A Maypole Braid Spell

    You will need: Take each end of every ribbon and line them up on the sticky side of the tape.Press the tape against a hard surface, such as your altar or table. Anoint thecandle with fire elemental oil, and light the candle.Now, begin to braid the ribbon together, slowly and thoughtfully. As youwork, imagine something…

  • Beltane Honey Jar for Riches and Joy

    This spell’s alternate version can be found in the Mabon spells.You will need: At the bottom of the jar, place the piece of rose quartz. Next, in layers, addthe rest of the ingredients in this order: dried lavender, rice, Irish moss,alfalfa, dried basil, brown sugar, and dried rose petals. Finally, fill the jar therest of…

  • Fire Cleansing Spell to Banish Negativity

    You will need: If you are able to, perform this spell at noon on Litha.Before you light the candle, take whatever tool you’ve chosen and carefullycarve a banishing spiral on the front of the candle. To do this, start in thecenter of what will be the spiral symbol, and slowly work your way outwardin an…

  • Herbal Consecration Candle Spell

    The best time of the year to harvest magical herbs from your garden is atmidnight on Litha. However, any time of day and night on this sabbat will doif your schedule doesn’t permit a midnight outing. Additionally, if you havepurchased herbs, you can still consecrate them for maximum results in yourspells.You will need: Cast your…

  • A Spell to Banish Poverty

    The best time to attract more good fortune is when you are experiencing it.During the bounty that is Litha, an anti-poverty spell is particularly effective.You will need: Start by cutting each apple horizontally so that the five-pointed star isrevealed at their center. Discard the apple tops, or add them to your compost.Gently carve a small…

  • Harvesting Wisdom Spell

    You will need: Anoint each candle, and place it in its respective corner. Place the greencalcite stones around the Northern candle, the clear quartz stones around theEastern candle, the tiger’s eye stones around the Southern candle, and theamethyst stones around the Western candle. Light them in sunwise order,starting from the North. When you are ready,…

  • A Spell to Nourish the Spirit

    When there is plenty, as there is during the time of Harvest, it’s important notto forget to feed our spiritual selves.You will need: Using the pencil or straw, push three deep channels into the wax of thecandle. Place small pinches of each of the three herbs listed into the channels,using the pencil or straw to…

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