• Patchouli Money Draw Spell

    You will need: With a mortar and pestle, finely grind patchouli leaves. As you do this, focus on bringing money into your life. On your bay leaf draw a symbol, sigil, or rune of your choice for money or wealth. Light the charcoal tab and place it in small cauldron. As you place the bay…

  • Honeysuckle Money Spell

    On a Thursday during a waxing moon phase, inscribe your candle with symbols for both Jupiter (abundance) and the sun (power) and anoint it with honeysuckle nectar from your blooms. Place the candle in a safe holder and surround it with coins. Surround the coins with your honeysuckle vine. (Remember to be vigilant anytime you…

  • Money Charm Bag

    During the full moon phase, place the coin, stone, and dried marjoram in a bowl. Using your fingers, roll the coin and stone around in the marjoram. As you do this, focus on your intention and say 3 times, Stone and coin and powerful herb Fill my pockets as I speak these words Herb and…

  • Coins and Candle Money Spell

    First, anoint your temples, third eye, and pulse points with the oil.Then inscribe your initials on the candle along with a symbol of money—adollar sign, for example, or a rune associated with wealth.Hold it in your hands for a few moments and visualize your personal powerflowing into the candle itself.When you feel ready, anoint it…

  • Spell for Attracting Money into Your Life

    Instructions:Begin by taking three deep breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose, andexhale fully, releasing any negative thoughts or emotions.Light the candle and place your purse or wallet in front of you on your altaror work space.Hold the basil leaf between your palms and visualize a green lightsurrounding your purse or wallet. Let the green light…

  • Beltane Honey Jar for Riches and Joy

    This spell’s alternate version can be found in the Mabon spells.You will need: At the bottom of the jar, place the piece of rose quartz. Next, in layers, addthe rest of the ingredients in this order: dried lavender, rice, Irish moss,alfalfa, dried basil, brown sugar, and dried rose petals. Finally, fill the jar therest of…

  • Abundance Jar

    Perform this spell on a full moon.You will need: Place some of the Irish moss, glitter, basil, oregano, cinquefoil, rosemary,chamomile, coins, and quartz pieces into the jar. Add a little more Irish moss,then fill the jar with honey. Seal the jar’s lid tightly, and melt the bottom ofthe candle a little, so it can stick…

  • Money-Drawing Sugar Jar

    Perform this spell on a full moon or during a waxing lunar cycle.You will need: Place the Irish moss at the bottom of the jar, and add the bay leaves, walnuts,basil, oregano, and alfalfa. Add a layer of brown sugar. Next, add the coinsand the crystals, and fill the jar with sugar until you’ve reached…

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