• Wreath of Protection

    As you weave and tuck the hellebore stems and protective herbs around the vines of your wreath, invoke their protective powers by saying something like this: By the power of herbs and vine and flower stemsProtect this home and all within Hang the finished wreath above a doorway. Any fresh herbs and flowers will dry…

  • Anti-Nightmare Protection Charm

    Instructions:Light the candle, if using.Spend some time taking deep breaths and quieting your mind.When you’re ready, begin by cutting a long piece of silver thread.Tie a knot at the end of the thread, making it large enough that the jet beadwill not slip off.Place one bead on the thread and say the following (or similar)…

  • Blessing and Protection Spell for the New Year

    On Samhain, you are standing in the gateway between the old year and thenew. It is important to set a boundary here and keep any negative energies ormisfortune from following you into the New Year.You will need: six candleholders or a heat-proof surfaceStart with the white candle. Fix it to the heat-proof surface by melting…

  • Midnight Protection Spell

    Perform this spell on a full or dark moon, at midnight or during any of thesesabbats: Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Litha.You will need: Begin this spell at a quarter to midnight. Pour a thin circle of salt on youraltar, large enough to encompass the candles and herbs. Place a bit of theherb beside each candle,…

  • Protection Charm

    Cast this spell on a Tuesday or Saturday on a full moon.You will need: Using the black yarn, tie together and thoroughly wrap the garlic, hematite,nutmeg, and alfalfa into a reasonably spherical shape, leaving a loop at thetop from which to hang the charm somewhere.Light the incense. Take the charm and allow it to soak…

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